This article details functional tags that can be added to items within Creator to force the item to behave in a specific way when checked out on the kiosk.
Adding the age-verification-required tag to an item will prevent a customer from completing their transaction until staff has verified their age and scanned the age verification QR code on the kiosk. Please Note: This tag does not allow for ID scanning. Please see below for ID scanning age verification tags.
Common Uses:
- Anything that requires age verification, such as:
- Alcohol
- Tobacco products
- Lottery tickets
Adding the age-verification-required-18 tag to an item will prevent a customer from completing their transaction until staff has verified their age is 18 or older and either scanned the age verification QR code, entered customer's date of birth, or scanned the customer's ID on the kiosk.
Common Uses:
- Anything that requires an age of 18 or older, such as:
- Tobacco products
- Lottery tickets
Adding the age-verification-required-21 tag to an item will prevent a customer from completing their transaction until staff has verified their age is 21 or older and scanned the age verification QR code, entered customer's date of birth, or scanned the customer's ID on the kiosk.
Common Uses:
- Anything that requires an age of 21 or older, such as:
- Alcohol
Adding the age-verification-required-18 tag to an item will prevent a customer from completing their transaction until staff has verified their age is 18 or older and either scanned the customer's ID or entered the customer's date of birth on the kiosk. Please Note: This tag does not allow for verification override to happen via the age verification QR code.
Common Uses:
- Anything that requires an age of 18 or older, such as:
- Tobacco products
- Lottery tickets
Adding the age-verification-required-21 tag to an item will prevent a customer from completing their transaction until staff has verified their age is 21 or older and either scanned the customer's ID or entered the customer's date of birth on the kiosk. Please Note: This tag does not allow for verification override to happen via the age verification QR code.
Common Uses:
- Anything that requires an age of 21 or older, such as:
- Alcohol
Adding the count-required tag to an item will cause a visual prompt on the Side UX that will require the customer to indicate the total amount of the specific item they have placed on the base.
Common Uses:
- Multiple pizza slices or tacos in one box
- Oversized items that cannot be grouped onto the base of the kiosk
- An assortment of items within the same container
Adding the no-show tag to an item will cause the item to not show up on the Side UX screen during the checkout process, as well as not show up on receipts. Remember to add at least 20 unique poses of that item so the kiosk will be able to visually recognize it and add the functional tag.
Common Uses:
- Free items that customers may place on the base of the kiosk including but not limited to:
- Condiments
- Utensils
- Bags
Adding the no-tax tag to an item will cause the menu's set tax rate to not apply to that specific item.
🚨 NOTE: For the tag to become functional, you'll need to add the rule in the tax section in creator.
Common Uses:
- Tax exempt items such as water bottles or CPG items
Adding the scan-required tag to an item will force the kiosk to prompt that the item needs to be scanned via barcode rather than being placed on the base and visually recognized. Remember to add the item's SKU so the kiosk will be able to add the item to the cart when the barcode is scanned.
Common Uses:
- Oversized items
- Items that are too similar in packaging
- Items that were too small to pose
Adding the see-cashier tag to an item will prevent a customer from checking out with this item. This tag blocks an item from purchase by showing an alert prompting the customer to see a cashier instead of adding the item to the cart.
Common Uses:
- Display only items
- Items no longer in-stock
- Items that require special handling
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