This article details the functions of the LED Indicator Light Pole for the Mashgin Kiosk.
What is the LED Indicator Light Pole?
It's a light pole that is mounted to the top of the kiosk and it indicates the status of the current transaction of the kiosk.
Why is it helpful?
The light pole indicates to customers when a kiosk is available for use. In addition, the light pole can show staff when a customer may need assistance due to purchasing an age restricted item, a transaction being cancelled, etc.
What do the different colors mean?
What do I do if the light pole is not lighting up?
- Power Cycle Kiosk
- Please see How to Power Cycle the Kiosk for more information
- Verify Light Pole Cabling
- Please see How to Verify Light Pole Cabling for more information
Are there any sounds that accompany the light?
Yes! Please see The Sounds of Mashgin for more information.
Do the kiosks have to have the light poles?
No, however they are highly recommended, especially in locations where several kiosks may be in a group and the line of customers may not be able to see if a kiosk is available. The light poles are also extremely useful in situations where one or two staff members are assisting customers at multiple kiosks at once!
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